Get Permission Hassan, Bhateja, and Prathyusha: Problems of geriatric patients in dental setup


Geriatric dentistry or gerodontics also be defined as the provision of dental care to the elderly group including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment problems associated with normal aging and diseases associated with aging as part of an interdisciplinary team with other health care professionals.1 Government of India has been classified, people who are 60 years and above as the elderly, while in developed countries age is 65 years old. Approximately 600 million people worldwide 60 years and over and is considered to be doubled in 2025. In the 1990s, the revolutionary research results have shown an association between oral and systemic health. 2, 3 In this scenario, the dental needs of elderly patients have increased. 4, 5 In developing countries parents need oral care mostly poor and disabled. Loss of teeth due to periodontitis unusual among older people. Nonetheless, continued to cause chronic plaque marginal gingivitis, which is almost endemic in this population.6, 7 Although very important for older adults to visiting the dentist regularly, many do not visit a dentist for a variety of reasons, such as their attitudes, lack of transportation, financial hiccup, or the inability to create and keeping promises.

India is a vast country with a sudden increase in the elderly population between the approach through research-based knowledge and technical skills delivered through the most acceptable humane approach when provide oral health care to elderly patients. Have it becomes imperative to develop appropriate curriculum to match the skills listed. This is the same important for unraveling the relevant methods of teaching, learning, and assessment of students that must be embraced to produces highly knowledgeable, skilled, and compassionate dentist in the past geriatrics ahead 8, 9 A fraternized part of their universal health care program, Ontario and eight other provinces do not offer such service 10, 11 Living arrangements of older adults in the United States Countries closely linked to income, health status, and availability of caregivers. The percentage of people living in nursing homes also increased dramatically with age, ranging from 1% for those 65 to 74 years, 5% for people 75-84 years old, 19% for the 85 and above. About 558 400 inhabitants in the elderly population Assisted-living facilities. There has been increasing lasted 15 years in the use of assisted-living facilities, board, and home care, continuing care retirement communities, and the types of additional facilities for the long term care in nursing home. 12, 13

Currently, retaining teeth as people advance in their years has become a major priority for all with more and more people adopt prophylactic measures such as drinking fluoridated water and use fluoride consistent toothpaste. People take care of their teeth with tight regimen intended to take the best care of their teeth to ensure the longevity of their teeth. 14Therefore, edentulousness prevalence shows a reducing trend with more and more elderly requiring oral healthcare other than just prosthetics much like other age groups.

Oral and systemic health are interlaced to such a great degree that it is imperative for dentists and physicians to work together as a team to provide the best possible treatment for geriatric patients. However, the wide gap between these professions has resulted in subpar treatment for the elderly population as the medical professionals and the nurses have limited knowledge of the correlation between the two. The solution is the formation of a focused program that trains both the medical as well as the dental professionals to practice geriatrics to the best of their abilities. Such an approach would result in geriatric patients experiencing the best possible care for their oral as well as systemic health which enhances their quality of life.

Basic problems in the geriatric patients


One of the early experimental gingivitis study shows supragingival plaque which developed faster in the elderly patients than in young ones. 15 The findings could is associated with periodontal status differences but at the same time can also be caused by the fact that oral The older the patient's condition to support the growth of aerobic microorganisms. The immune system is not as active as it was first when they are young, it is easier to accumulate and attack the bacteria in the oral cavity old age. Therefore, even a lower amount of bacteria can an attack on the teeth more easily than in compared with younger individuals. Thus, we can observe the relationship between increasing age and the incidence periodontitis. While the severity of periodontitis increases with age, it often leads to tooth loss in old. Data from studies have shown that losing teeth in very old subjects (80 years) had significantly bearing not only on the masticatory ability but also This one general ability and nutrition intake. 16, 17 There, this leads to being more self-conscious older than their teeth and any negative impact tooth loss soul because they are much more independent than criticizing them colleagues who are younger. This is reflected as a decrease in their confidence and drastically reduces their quality life which only produces a vicious circle of their neglecting to take care of yourself that compromise their status further. Conditions such as socio-economic status of poor and bad habits such as smoking or chewing tobacco only make it worse for older people to keep their teeth as they promote periodontitis. As it is, smoke rising periodontitis risk even in young patients age. However, in older people, smoking increases the likelihood lead to periodontitis rapidly.

Dental caries

Just like periodontitis, dental caries even been an increase in the incidence of infection in the geriatric population segment in compared with the younger population because of a decline immunological response against external bacteria. According to a study in older patients, the annual incidence coronal caries was 1.4 per 100 vulnerable surfaces whereas coronal surface for root caries is 2.6 surface per 100 vulnerable root surface. It reveals to us that both forms of active caries in elderly population, which leads to the conclusion that the prevention and treatment of dental caries in the elderly is very importance. 18 old people, especially those living in nursing home need extra help to maintain good Oral hygiene. According to one study, impaired function and Erratic professional dental care are the main factors for increased levels of untreated dental decay but no significant the correlation between oral health and wellness disease or most drugs taken. 19, 20 Caries importance for the health and economic does not have a parallel comparison. When she was made aware of the importance of maintaining good oral cleanliness along with educating them on how to achieve it, even if they need help to do that, it not only will impress upon them the advantages of maintaining dental health, it will also result in a better state than systemic health. 21 This not only boosts their immunity but will also have a positive economic effect. Someone once very rightly said, “Dental treatment isn’t expensive, ignorance of one’s teeth is.” They can be educated about the numerous uses of fluoride in dentistry which can be used to improve one’s oral health and hygiene. 22, 23

Salivary reduction

Certain medications, radiation, and chronic conditions make the geriatric patients more prone to decrease in salivary function. These people are often affected by diverse physical and oral health diseases and frequently do not possess the ability to access dental care. With increasing age, the reserve capacity for production of saliva by the salivary glands is diminished, leading to salivary hypofunction. 23 With a decrease in salivary function, there is an increased chance of developing caries and candidiasis along with denture discomfort.Medications like antidepressants, anticholinergics, antipsychotics, antihypertensives, diuretics, sedative, and anxiolytics, etc. are responsible for xerostomia in geriatric patients. 24 Due to the usage of a cocktail of medications, an elderly individual often ends up suffering from salivary hypofunction and xerostomia.

Caring for geriatric patient


Decay due to caries is a prime etiological factor for loss of teeth in old age. The risk for caries is increased with age, especially as the medications disturb the salivary flow and there is increased consumption of sugar.

Oral hygiene

It is not always possible to mechanically clean one’s denture which is why the importance of chemical methods for cleaning the prosthesis must be explained to the denture wearer to ensure optimal care of the denture and their oral hygiene.

Inclining towards treatment

After a lifetime of experience with dental diseases, the elderly only choose to be treated for conditions that they believe are extremely serious and desire for them to be treated to the best ability of the dentist.35 We need to make them realize that any dental disease, no matter how small or inconsequential should be treated at the earliest because it could turn into something major due to their compromised immune response.


Across the world, a segment of the elderly visible population will increase at a rate so fast that had never seen before. Supporting these people presents a myriad of challenges to this family breadwinner, society, government, and health care professionals. Despite the fact that many diseases of the mouth experienced by parents who either prevented or untreated, many of these people do not provide their ownof treatment is required. To ensure that maintenance not overlooked aged, health care providers should educated by the establishment and improvement of a means to promote healthy aging to maintain good quality of life. The dental profession must strive to increasing the use of preventive dental services old.

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