Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 42-45
The average human life expectancy has increased in recent times, so there is more focus on aging, age-related disease, and geriatric care in society. Older malnourished adults are more likely to have poorer health outcomes, longer hospital stays, and increased mortality, so there is a need to provide a nutritious and healthy diet to the old age population.Recent studies have shown that some medicinal herbs are effective in the intervention or prevention of aging-associated neurological disorders. Unani System of Medicine is one of the old traditional medicines in the world providing health care to humanity for centuries successively through natural safe, effective, and economic herbal medicine.Diets recommended for the old age population have been highlighted in this article with special emphasis on the traditional diets mentioned in the USM for geriatric care. There is a need to explore USM for better care of old age population and to find out an effective, safe, and economic treatment for old age diseases like Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, etc.
Keywords: Diet, Old age, Unani Medicine, Herbs
How to cite : Nazir S, Zaidi Z, Nasir A, Ahmad M, Role of diet in old age. Ann Geriatr Educ Med Sci 2021;8(2):42-45
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Received : 13-11-2021
Accepted : 30-11-2021
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