Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 9-12
Oral health is an integral part of public health and influence physical and mental well-being and quality
of life of the elderly person. dental care for geriatric patients has increased at this time. Treatment and
diagnosis of geriatrics that challenging patients, as these patients have both systemic and oral problems.
There is a systemic disease with oral manifestations related to the patient is unaware condition. It can
be diagnosed or speculate with doctor after examination and investigation. Edentulousness and lack of
rehabilitation prosthodontics prevent frail elders of choosing the food they like and reject they love to eat,
which is a prerequisite for feeling of well being. oral mucosal diseases and lesions which is common in
older people. Lichenoid mucosal lesions can also be caused by a variety of common medications prescribed
to older patients. The biggest challenge is to providing affordable, accessible, and equitable health care for
this population. Oral health is an important part of the general health and affects the physical and mental
well-being and quality life of older people..
Keywords: Problems of geriatric patients in dental setup.
How to cite : Hassan S A, Bhateja S, Prathyusha F, Problems of geriatric patients in dental setup. Ann Geriatr Educ Med Sci 2020;7(1):9-12
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