Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2019
Article Page : 35-37
Patients with primary hypothyroidism are often complicated with pericardial effusion (3- 6%) but its
association with cardiac tamponade is rare in medical literature. Here we report an unusual case of 55
year old female who presented with breathlessness and bilateral lower limb edema was found to have
primary hypothyroidism with massive peri cardial effusion with cardiac tamponade. Patient was managed
with emergency pericardiocentesis and thyroid hormone replacement.
Keywords: Primary hypothyroidism, Pericardial effusion, Cardiac temponade pericardiocentesis, Thyroxine
How to cite : Gupta A, Acharya S , Somani A, Hathi D, Cardiac tamponade as initial presentation of primary hypothyriodism: A rare 21 case report. Ann Geriatr Educ Med Sci 2019;6(2):35-37
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